Liquid Damage Cleaning




Liquid damage cleaning has 1 month warranty.

After water damaged please DON’T TURN IT ON and DON’T CHARGE IT!

This is very important.

We can give a free diagnosis anytime in our opening times.

Please read this article:


Before you bring/post to get your device fixed and it is still working, please, make sure all your data is in safe, you have an iCloud back up or you have backed up the phone on a laptop or PC.

Highly recommended backup iPhone before repairing to prevent the data missing issue. There can be issues that occur during a repair that cause the phone to not turn on or not accept iTunes that would make getting the information off the iPhone impossible. Indeed, iCloud provides easy way to backup iPhone.Go to Settings>iCloud and then scroll down to Backup. Here you can turn backups on and initiate a new backup immediately. If this is your first iCloud backup it might take a while to complete. Once the backup is complete, though, your iPhone will automatically backup when idle for an extended period of time and on an active wi-fi network. Of course, it is also simple to restore from iCloud after resetting your phone and choose “backup from iCloud”.


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We are CLOSED until 28 July

We are open 10am 29 July

If the repair is not urgent, please come back and we will give you 20% discount.

Sorry for the inconvenience